
Welcome to our newsletter! Here you'll find a mixture of articles written by our staff, clinician spotlights, resources for clients & their families, and much more...

The Inside-Outside Kickstarter Project

On Psychology Today, Cathy Malchiodi shares a humanitarian project headed by David Gross and Mieke Strand called the Inside-Outside Kickstarter Project.  Their goal is to publish an E-Book that consists of collected drawings by Syrian refugee children recently affected by war trauma.

Their project will only be funded if they reach their pledge goal of $7000.  They are almost halfway there – you can donate here, if you wish!

Counseling Services of Greater Boston also believes in the power of art therapy and has one registered art therapist on staff: Dana Venable, LMHC, ATR.  Our other three clinicians are cognizant of the power alternative therapy modalities have on children.  Often, children can express feelings through play, movement, or art far easier than they can through words.

We are ready to serve your child or adolescent’s individual needs.  Please call us at (781) 328-1904 today.

Counseling Services of Greater Boston is 1!

October 1st, 2013 marks the one year anniversary of the opening of Counseling Services of Greater Boston.  We have enjoyed a fulfilling, prosperous year that includes the following milestones since our opening:

  • acquisition of our LLC
  • addition of a second office, Room 208a, at our 309 Lincoln Street location
  • expansion of staff to include Amanda Bruce, LMHC, and Alexandra Miller, LICSW

Counseling Services of Greater Boston‘s success is due largely to the continued support we receive from our community.  We feel blessed to be serving the town of Wakefield, MA, and its surrounding communities.  We are continuing to take new referrals and are available at any time.  Please call (781) 328-1904 x.102.

We are looking forward to the upcoming year!

National Suicide Prevention Month 2013

In the United States, a person dies by suicide every 13.7 minutes, claiming more than 38,000 lives each year.*  Counseling Services of Greater Boston is committed to and experienced in treating this serious mental health issue, and would like to shed some light on upcoming events that promote suicide prevention.

Did you know September is national suicide awareness month?  During this month and early in October, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention will be hosting a community walk near you to raise donations and awareness for the prevention and education about suicide.  Out of the Darkness walks have funded educational materials for professionals, promoted legislation that impacts suicide prevention, and have funded scientific research.

And did you know there is a community walk in the town Counseling Services of Greater Boston resides in?  This Saturday, September 28th, an Out of the Darkness walk will be held at 10:00am on Lake Quannapowitt.  More information can be found here.

And, on Saturday, October 13th at 9am, Boston will be hosting its own Out of the Darkness walk.  To find out more information, click here.

And as always, Counseling Services of Greater Boston is here to serve your community.  If you are looking to receive support or know someone who needs it, please call us at (781) 328-1904 x102.

(Statistic provided by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.)

Music Therapy at Your Fingertips

We all know that singing along to our favorite song can instantly lift our spirits, and increase our chances of having a more positive day.  Music can soothe us, empower us, or energize us, depending on the kind we listen to.  Counseling Services of Greater Boston believes in both the professional practice of music therapy, and in the utilization of music as a coping skill.  In other, simpler terms: music is powerful.

British artist Luke Jerram, of the public piano installation “Street Pianos Boston: Play Me I’m Yours'”, knows this as well.  And fellow Bostonians, we are lucky, because his touring pianos are coming to Boston.  You read right – between September and October, there will be about 75 pianos installed in the Boston area, free for anyone to play.

We all know how expensive piano, guitar and voice lessons can be over time, which is part of the reason why this installation is genius.  At your fingertips – literally – will be the chance to sit down, relax, and flood our beautiful city with some equally beautiful music.

Read up here on the details of this beautiful project.

And as always, Counseling Services of Greater Boston is here if you need support.  Call us at (781) 328-1904×102.

Eating Disorders: Not Just a Female Issue

In their latest newsletter, Walden Behavioral Care provides us with some important information about the complications of being male and having an eating disorder.  There is a great deal of shame associated with the symptoms of an eating disorder, but that shame can be multiplied if you are male.  Why?  Eating disorders, up until now, have been known primarily as a “female” disorder.  Read up here to learn more about this topic!

And just as a reminder, Counseling Services of Greater Boston still has plenty of openings in the fall for counseling.  If you or a loved one are in search of emotional support, please feel free to give us a call at (781) 328-1904, x.102.  We are here to help.

Have a happy Labor Day weekend!

School Bells…

Sadly, summer barbeques and splashing in the pool will come to an end soon.  And that means…the school year is about to begin!

But for some, the new school year isn’t just new binders and school clothes.  It can trigger stress, worry, and fear about academics, social interactions, or bullying.

If your child experiences some of these symptoms and could utilize extra support, please contact Counseling Services of Greater Boston at (781) 328-1904.  Our experienced staff can provide the skills your child needs to have a positive, healthy school experience.