Category: brain

Calm down!

We’ve all been there.  We’ve been worked up, and said something we didn’t want to say or made a poor decision.  Well, did you know it’s partially because your brain is getting less oxygen at that moment?  Check out this informative video that provides us with both an explanation of the brain’s processes, and practical skills that will help us to calm down.

The Science of Depression

Frustrated by a loved one’s inability to move forward in their life?  Then this video might be helpful.  The Science of Depression, by Mitchell Moffat, gives a short and understandable explanation of the science behind depression.  Check it out!

The Science of Happiness

What is the science of happiness?  Is it our environment that shapes it? Or is it something else?  Check out this intriguing and witty TED talk by Dan Gilbert, who touches upon why we do or do not feel happy.

The Teenage Brain

There’s no getting around it – the teenage years can be hard, for both teens themselves and their families.  At Counseling Services of Greater Boston, we treat a good deal of adolescents, and we know it can be challenging to navigate AND to to support.  If you’re struggling to contain your emotions, or understand your son’s mood swings, check out this video by Sci Show.  It explains in layman’s terms what the brain is going through during the teenage years – and it just might make more sense of your family’s current challenges.